DefaultBid is a generic class to hold Default Energy Bid, Default Startup Bid, and Default Minimum Load Bid:
Default Energy Bid
A Default Energy Bid is a monotonically increasing staircase function consisting at maximum 10 economic bid segments, or 10 ($/MW, MW) pairs. There are three methods for determining the Default Energy Bid:
- Cost Based: derived from the Heat Rate or Average Cost multiplied by the Gas Price Index plus 10%.
- LMP Based: a weighted average of LMPs in the preceding 90 days
- Negotiated: an amount negotiated with the designated Independent Entity.
Default Startup Bid
A Default Startup Bid (DSUB) shall be calculated for each RMR unit based on the Startup Cost stored in the Master File and the applicable GPI and EPI
Default Minimum Load Bid
A Default Minimum Load Bid (DMLB) shall be calculated for each RMR unit based on the Minimum Load Cost stored in the Master File and the applicable GPI.