owl:Class |
A Goods Item specifies goods or products to be transported. |
Goods item |
LogiCO:hasTemperature max 1 LogiCO:Max temperature |
LogiCO:has volume max 1 LogiCO:GrossVolume |
LogiCO:hasDescription exactly 1 |
LogiCO:hasTemperature max 1 LogiCO:Min temperature |
LogiCO:has amount max 1 LogiCO:MonetaryAmount |
LogiCO:has weight max 1 LogiCO:GrossWeight |
LogiCO:hasQuantity exactly 1 |
LogiCO:ProductClass |
Instances | |
LogiTrans:Goods item 10 aubergine, LogiTrans:Goods item 34 cucumber |
References | |
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