Class 'Train position'

A train position is information on the position within the railway network (given as the geographic coordinates, or as a location code on the railway network), with a timestamp, assigned to a specific train of a specific RU. The train position is the most important information for tracking the cargo and for any operative control. The information may be obtained either from the IM (which gives the most accurate and generally the most reliable data, however only with the granularity of stations), or independently by the RU itself (usually via GPS installed on the loco or sometimes on the wagons; gives the up-to-the-second position, however may not match with the railway infrastructure), or from surrogate data sources entered by hand (as e-mail, other electronic means, or phone announcement). Relationships: • The RU gets the train position from the IM. • The RU provides the train position to its customers, i.e. to the LSP, forwarder, or end customer. • The train position has a timestamp, i.e. a datetime value for which the position is given. • The IM provides information (defined in TAF TSI): Train Position; Train Running Information, Train Running Forecast.
Train position
has timestamp some xsd:dateTime
isLocatedIn only Location

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