Class Siding

From the infrastructure manager point of view the following definition is used: “Sidings are tracks branching off running tracks that are not part of any running line, on which vehicles are marshalled, stabled (to store locomotives and rolling stock), loaded, unloaded or serviced clear of a running line.” (Source: the RNE glossary.) Generally a railway siding is a separate section of the railway network (usually a minor one), being in the possession of a different stakeholder than the IM. A railway siding is often used as a place for loading and unloading of goods from the railway freight wagons, or generally for providing the business services (especially the logistic services). For this reason, a siding or its part may be considered a special type of station (which in this case we differentiate using a dedicated concept called siding station). Relationships: • A siding is connected to one or more infrastructures. • A siding is connected to the public railway infrastructure (or to other sidings) at one or more nodes. • A siding includes one or more siding stations, which are a type of station (may be considered a terminal) • A siding has an owner and an operator (may be different).

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