Class 'Logistics corridor'

In the area of logistic services, as considered in WP4 and WP7, the concept of “corridor” is used differently than the RFC corridors in the railway network defined by the EU Regulation No. 913/2010. Therefore we differentiate between the concepts of infrastructure corridor (i.e., RFC corridor) and logistics corridor. The logistic corridor defines a major direction of transport, promoted by the specific logistic operator. This way, the logistic operator can achieve a regular and well utilised service, and due to the economies of scale he can carry the cost advantage also to the more favourable prices for the customer. Relationships: • A logistic corridor is provided as a service by a LSP. • A logistic corridor has (at least) one starting node and one end node, usually constituted by the logistic terminals. • A logistic corridor has a catch area, defined as a subset of the transport nodes or as a geographical area. • A logistic corridor is related to a RU(s) providing the service and therefore to its or their trains.
Logistics corridor
isRelatedToRU only Railway Undertaking (RU)
has starting node only Node
has End node only Node
is provided by only Logistic service provider (LSP)

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