Class 'Infrastructure corridor'

International market-oriented Rail Freight Corridors (RFCs), established by the Regulation (EU) No 913/2010, define the major directions of the railway freight traffic in Europe. Their purpose is to provide high-level, long-distance and high-quality geographic routes and train paths to be used by the railway undertakings (RUs). A corridor offers so-called pre-arranged paths (PAPs), which mean a dedicated capacity for international railway freight traffic, to allow seamless path scheduling and traffic control. Each corridor is designed, however, not as a point-to-point connection of two specific nodes or stations with a specific route, but rather as a set of railway lines connecting major industrial or economic areas of the member states. A corridor may therefore have multiple lines running in parallel. Relationships: • A corridor is a subset of the network (in the sense of the European network, not of one specific member state) • A corridor is managed by one corridor manager • A corridor includes lines and nodes • A corridor has a name and an RFC code
Infrastructure corridor
includes some Node
isManagedBy only Corridor manager
has RFC code max 1 xsd:string
includes some Railway line
includes only (Railway line
or Node)
isManagedBy some Corridor manager
has name max 1 xsd:string

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