Class 'Goods item'

A Goods Item indicates the type of goods transported in a cargo, whereas the cargo is what is handled in a consignment. Relationships: • Goods Items are defined by NHM codes (Nomenclature Harmonisée Marchandises), see UIC leaflet 221 or Besides the code, it is also desirable to provide a textual description of the goods. • A Goods Item specifies the quantity of goods (per type) that are being transported. For example, a goods item of 35 cucumbers has quantity “35” of type “Cucumbers, fresh or chilled” with NHM code “0707 0005”. • A Goods item may specify volume (gross volume), weight (gross weight) and temperature (min and max temperature) of the goods being transported. • A Goods item have a package type (UNECE/CEFACT Trade Facilitation Recommendation No. 21). • A Goods item may also specify an insurance value amount of the goods being transported.
Goods item
has cargo type max 1
has quantity some xsd:int
has description exactly 1
hasParameter only (Volume
or Weight
or Temperature)
has package type some xsd:string
has insurance value amount some xsd:string
  • as rdfs:subClassOf (Cargo)

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