Class Consignment

A consignment constitutes the goods transported for the specific customer by a RU, operator, or LSP, under one contract or one consignment note (i.e. as one consignment). It defines the relation between a consignor and a consignee when handling the transport of a cargo from an origin to a destination, according to a contract. Relationships: • A consignment has an ID. • A consignment has a consignor and a consignee. • A consignment handles a cargo. • A consignment has a requested delivery and a planned delivery place and time. • A consignment has a requested pickup and a planned pickup place and time. • A consignment has a contract.
has planned delivery time only Time
has requested pickup time only Time
has requested delivery time only Time
handles only Cargo
has requested pickup place only Location
has planned Pickup time only Time
has requested delivery place only Location
has consignor only Consignor
has contract only Contract
has ID exactly 1
has consignee only Consignee
has planned delivery place only Location
has planned Pickup place only Location

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