Class 'Business service'

A business service is a service (both railway and logistic) offered by a provider to a customer. Example of business services are transport services on different loading units (e.g. transporting a palette, container, wagon, or a block train), logistic services (e.g. transloading, warehousing, or distribution), complementary and value-added services (e.g. the customs clearance). A business service constitutes always a contractual relationship between the customer and the service provider (RU, operator, LSP) and involves therefore the customer relationships, contracts, consignment notes, etc. (as described by the “Contract” concept). A business service is often characterised by its availability – which means that its provider defines where and when and to whom the service may be provided (e.g. a subset of the stations; only on specific days etc.). The availability of services may be also specified on the contractual basis between the service provider and consumer.
Business service
has provider only (Stakeholder
or Role)
has consumer only (Stakeholder
or Role)
involves only (Contract
or Consignment note)

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