# baseURI: https://ontology.tno.nl/logistics/federated/ # prefix: @prefix BusinessService: . @prefix : . @prefix ActorRoles: . @prefix dc: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix sh: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . :LogisticsRoles a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "Logistics roles that describe the different functions of companies during transportation." ; rdfs:label "Logistics Roles" ; rdfs:subClassOf ActorRoles:ActorRoles ; . :Carrier a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment "The organization that is responsible for transport of goods/containers with a transport means (truck, vessel, etc.). Each modality has a different name per modality: airline (air), shipping line (sea), barge operator (inlande waterways), railway undertaking (rail), and carrier (road). These should also be supported by the model" ; rdfs:label "Carrier" ; . :Consignee a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment """A consignee is the role of an enterprise where it is the operator and/or owner of a logistical function at a place with the role 'place of delivery'. A consignee can act as customer (e.g. Terms of Delivery is 'ex works'). """ ; rdfs:label "Consignee" ; . :Consignor a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment """A consignor is the role of an enterprise where it is the operator and/or owner of a logistical function at a place with the role 'place of acceptance'. A consignor can act as customer. Consignor is the person sending a shipment to be delivered whether by land, sea or air. Some carriers, such as national postal entities, use the term \"sender\" or \"shipper\" but in the event of a legal dispute the proper and technical term \"consignor\" will generally be used. If Sender sends a widget to Receiver via a delivery service, Sender is the consignor and Receiver is the consignee.""" ; rdfs:label "Consignor" ; . :DeliveryParty a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment "This is the operator of the location for final delivery of the goods." ; rdfs:label "Delivery Party" ; . :DispatchParty a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment "This is the operator of the location where the goods have to be shipped from." ; rdfs:label "Dispatch Party" ; . :Forwarder a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment "A forwarder is the service provider in a business transaction providing a transport - and other (administrative) services to a consignor or consignee acting as customer." ; rdfs:label "Forwarder" ; . :SealingParty a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment "The sealing party" ; rdfs:label "Sealing Party" ; . :LogisticServiceProvider a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment "A generic term for all logistics stakeholders that provide business services." ; rdfs:label "Logistic Service Provider" ; . :NotifyParty a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment "The contact person to be notified when a shipment arrives at its destination." ; rdfs:label "Notify Party" ; . :OperatorRoles a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment "A generic operator role." ; rdfs:label "Operator Roles" ; skos:narrower :WarehouseOperator; skos:narrower :TerminalOperator; . :TerminalOperator a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment "The organization offering transhipment services where one of the modalities is sea. Terminal operators have framework contracts with shipping lines." ; rdfs:label "Terminal Operator" ; skos:broader :OperatorRoles; . :WarehouseOperator a :LogisticsRoles ; rdfs:comment "The organization offering a storage service for products (bulk and other products) and/or goods" ; rdfs:label "Warehouse Operator" ; skos:broader :OperatorRoles; . :involves a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "Involves" ; . :isAbout a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "is About" ; .