UN/EDIFACT D.12B Data Element 8053 Equipment type code qualifier Desc: Code qualifying a type of equipment. |
http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trade/untdid/d12b/tred/tred8053.htm |
owl:Class |
Reusable object used for containment, protection and movement of product classes with or without package. A moveable equipment cannot move on its own (unpowered vehicle), but can be pulled or contained in a transport means |
LogiCO:hasEquipmentID some xsd:string |
LogiCO:isMovedBy min 0 LogiCO:TransportMeans |
LogiCO:isContainedIn min 0 LogiCO:TransportMeans |
LogiCO:MoveableResource |
References | |
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