Ontology 'A CIM Profile for Smart Grids'

Roel Stap (roel.stap@alliander.com ), Laura Daniele (laura.daniele@tno.nl)
This ontology is an OWL profile of the IEC Common Information Model for Smart Grids, developed by the Cerise-SG project. This profile extends the cim-smartgrid profile previously created by Maarten Steen (available at http://ns.cerise-project.nl/energy/def/cim-smartgrid) with the classes Register and Channel. This OWL profile was generated from the UML version of the IEC Common Information Model using the CIMTool.
The cerise cim profile ontology: A CIM Profile for Smart Grids
Laura Daniele [17-07-2015]: This is a draft version for internal use in the CERISE project. We encountered some issues with the generation this OWL profile with the CIMTool that still need to be solved. One issue is that the mapping of cardinalities in the transformation from UML to OWL is not always correct. For example: • the UML association Meter [0..1] was mapped by the CIMTool into the OWL property MeterReading.Meter exactly 1, while we would expect it to be mapped to MeterReading.Meter max 1 • the UML association Readings [0..*] was mapped by the CIMTool into the OWL property MeterReading.Readings min 1, while while we would expect it to be mapped to MeterReading.Readings min 0 To overcome the issue we are changing manually the incorrect cardinalities in the generated OWL profile, but there are many properties and this requires quite some time and effort, so some cardinalities can still be not compliant with the original UML model. Roel Stap[12-06-2015]: For gas metering the class SimpleEndDeviceFunction is defined, specialisation of EndDeviceFunction. Within this class there is a mandatory attribute defined \"kind\" of type EndDeviceFunctionKind. This last class is an enumeration of different type of metering. This class can be used can be used to distinguish between different tupe of metering, for example electric and gas metering. This means this class is mandatory, for each type of metering the type shall be defined.
A CIM Profile for Smart Grids
0.1 (first draft- only for internal use in the CERISE project)

Generated with TopBraid Composer by TopQuadrant, Inc.