cim:accumulation - Accumulation behaviour of a reading over time, usually 'measuringPeriod', to be used with individual endpoints (as opposed to 'macroPeriod' and 'aggregate' that are used to describe aggregations of data from individual endpoints). |
cim:addressGeneral - Additional address information, for example a mailstop. |
cim:aggregate - Salient attribute of the reading data aggregated from individual endpoints. This is mainly used to define a mathematical operation carried out over 'macroPeriod', but may also be used to describe an attribute of the data when the 'macroPeriod' is not defined. |
cim:aliasName - The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time. |
cim:amiBillingReady - Tracks the lifecycle of the metering installation at a usage point with respect to readiness for billing via advanced metering infrastructure reads. |
cim:AmiBillingReadyKind - Lifecycle states of the metering installation at a usage point with respect to readiness for billing via advanced metering infrastructure reads. |
cim:amiCapable - Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter that is not yet currently equipped with a communications module. |
cim:amiDisabled - Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter; however, the AMI functionality has been disabled or is not being used. |
cim:areaCode - Area or region code. |
cim:autonomousDst - Autonomous application of daylight savings time (DST). |
cim:Base - The equivalents package models equivalent networks. |
cim:BaseReading - Common representation for reading values. Note that a reading value may have multiple qualities, as produced by various systems ('ReadingQuality.source').
Roel: make Base reading mandatory |
cim:billing - Reading(s) taken or to be taken in response to a billing-related inquiry by a customer or other party. A variant of 'inquiry'. |
cim:billingApproved - Usage point is equipped with an operating AMI capable meter and accuracy has been certified for billing purposes. |
cim:buildingName - (if applicable) In certain cases the physical location of the place of interest does not have a direct point of entry from the street, but may be located inside a larger structure such as a building, complex, office block, apartment, etc. |
cim:Channel - A single path for the collection or reporting of register values over a period of time. For example, a register which measures forward energy can have two channels, one providing bulk quantity readings and the other providing interval readings of a fixed interval size. |
cim:Channels - All channels that collect/report values from this register. |
cim:cityCode - (if applicable) City code. |
cim:code - (if applicable) Utilities often make use of external reference systems, such as those of the town-planner's department or surveyor general's mapping system, that allocate global reference codes to streets. |
cim:code - Town code. |
cim:commercialIndustrial - Commercial industrial customer. |
cim:commodity - Commodity being measured. |
cim:Common - This package contains the information classes that support distribution management in general. |
cim:CoordinateSystem - Coordinate reference system. |
cim:CoordinateSystem - Coordinate system used to describe position points of this location. |
cim:Core - Contains the core PowerSystemResource and ConductingEquipment entities shared by all applications plus common collections of those entities. Not all applications require all the Core entities. This package does not depend on any other package except the Domain package, but most of the other packages have associations and generalizations that depend on it. |
cim:country - Name of the country. |
cim:countryCode - Country code. |
cim:crsUrn - A Uniform Resource Name (URN) for the coordinate reference system (crs) used to define 'Location.PositionPoints'.
An example would be the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code for a coordinate reference system, defined in URN under the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) namespace as: urn:ogc :def:uom:EPSG::XXXX, where XXXX is an EPSG code (a full list of codes can be found at the EPSG Registry website To define the coordinate system as being WGS84 (latitude, longitude) using an EPSG OGC, this attribute would be urn:ogc:def:uom:EPSG::4236.
A profile should limit this code to a set of allowed URNs agreed to by all sending and receiving parties. |
cim:ctRatio - Current transformer ratio used to convert associated quantities to real measurements. |
cim:Customer - Organisation receiving services from service supplier. |
cim:Customer - Customer for this agreement. |
cim:CustomerAgreement - Agreement between the customer and the service supplier to pay for service at a specific service location. It records certain billing information about the type of service provided at the service location and is used during charge creation to determine the type of service. |
cim:CustomerAgreement - (could be deprecated in the future) Customer agreement for this meter reading. |
cim:CustomerAgreement - Customer agreement regulating this service delivery point. |
cim:CustomerKind - Kind of customer. |
cim:Customers - This package contains the core information classes that support customer billing applications. |
cim:dateTime - Date and time for which status 'value' applies. |
cim:DateTimeInterval - Interval between two date and time points. |
cim:demandReset - Reading(s) taken or to be taken in conjunction with the resetting of one or more demand registers in a meter. |
cim:demandResponse - Demand response functions. |
cim:Domain - The domain package define primitive datatypes that are used by classes in other packages. Stereotypes are used to describe the datatypes. The following stereotypes are defined:
<<enumeration>> A list of permissible constant values.
<<Primitive>> The most basic data types used to compose all other data types.
<<CIMDatatype>> A datatype that contains a value attribute, an optional unit of measure and a unit multiplier. The unit and multiplier may be specified as a static variable initialized to the allowed value.
<<Compound>> A composite of Primitive, enumeration, CIMDatatype or othe Compound classes, as long as the Compound classes do not recurse. |
cim:electricity - Electricity service. |
cim:electricMetering - Electricity metering. |
cim:electronicAddress - Electronic address. |
cim:ElectronicAddress - Electronic address information. |
cim:email1 - Primary email address. |
cim:email2 - Alternate email address. |
cim:enabled - Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter having communications capability. |
cim:end - End date and time of this interval. |
cim:EndDevice - End device that performs this function. |
cim:EndDevice - Asset container that performs one or more end device functions. One type of end device is a meter which can perform metering, load management, connect/disconnect, accounting functions, etc. Some end devices, such as ones monitoring and controlling air conditioner, refrigerator, pool pumps may be connected to a meter. All end devices may have communication capability defined by the associated communication function(s). An end device may be owned by a consumer, a service provider, utility or otherwise.
There may be a related end device function that identifies a sensor or control point within a metering application or communications systems (e.g., water, gas, electricity).
Some devices may use an optical port that conforms to the ANSI C12.18 standard for communications. |
cim:EndDeviceFunction - Function performed by an end device such as a meter, communication equipment, controllers, etc. |
cim:EndDeviceFunctionKind - Kind of end device function. |
cim:EndDeviceFunctions - All end device functions this end device performs. |
cim:energyServiceScheduler - Customer as energy service scheduler. |
cim:energyServiceSupplier - Customer as energy service supplier. |
cim:extension - (if applicable) Extension for this telephone number. |
cim:flowDirection - Flow direction for a reading where the direction of flow of the commodity is important (for electricity measurements this includes current, energy, power, and demand). |
cim:formNumber - Meter form designation per ANSI C12.10 or other applicable standard. An alphanumeric designation denoting the circuit arrangement for which the meter is applicable and its specific terminal arrangement. |
cim:gas - Gas service. |
cim:gasMetering - Gas metering. |
cim:geoInfoReference - (if applicable) Reference to geographical information source, often external to the utility. |
cim:heat - Heat service. |
cim:IdentifiedObject - This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing identification and naming attributes. |
cim:IEC61968 - This package contains only diagrams that are used in the introduction of IEC61968-11 and that should not be printed in its Clause 6 describing the UML model (due to the naming convention, this package will be considered as informative).
Other specifications may freeley reuse some of these diagrams from their templates. |
cim:IEC61970 - Top package for IEC 61970. |
cim:inquiry - Reading(s) taken or to be taken in response to an inquiry by a customer or other party. |
cim:installation - Reading(s) taken or to be taken in conjunction with installation of a meter. |
cim:installCode - Installation code. |
cim:internalUse - Internal use customer. |
cim:internet - Internet service. |
cim:IntervalBlock - Time sequence of readings of the same reading type. Contained interval readings may need conversion through the application of an offset and a scalar defined in associated pending. |
cim:IntervalBlocks - All blocks containing this interval reading. |
cim:IntervalReading - Data captured at regular intervals of time. Interval data could be captured as incremental data, absolute data, or relative data. The source for the data is usually a tariff quantity or an engineering quantity. Data is typically captured in time-tagged, uniform, fixed-length intervals of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min.
Note: Interval Data is sometimes also called "Interval Data Readings" (IDR). |
cim:IntervalReadings - Interval reading contained in this block. |
cim:isSdp - If true, this usage point is a service delivery point, i.e., a usage point where the ownership of the service changes hands. |
cim:issuerIdentificationNumber - Unique transaction reference prefix number issued to an entity by the International Standards Organisation for the purpose of tagging onto electronic financial transactions, as defined in ISO/IEC 7812-1 and ISO/IEC 7812-2. |
cim:isVirtual - If true, the data is being calculated by an enterprise system rather than metered directly. |
cim:isVirtual - If true, there is no physical device. As an example, a virtual meter can be defined to aggregate the consumption for two or more physical meters. Otherwise, this is a physical hardware device. |
cim:isVirtual - If true, this usage point is virtual, i.e., no physical location exists in the network where a meter could be located to collect the meter readings. For example, one may define a virtual usage point to serve as an aggregation of usage for all of a companies premises distributed widely across the distribution territory. Otherwise, the usage point is physical, i.e., there is a logical point in the network where a meter could be located to collect meter readings. |
cim:isVirtual - If true, the data it produces is calculated or measured by a device other than a physical end device/meter. Otherwise, any data streams it produces are measured by the hardware of the end device/meter itself. |
cim:kE - Test constant. |
cim:kH - Meter kh (watthour) constant. The number of watthours that must be applied to the meter to cause one disk revolution for an electromechanical meter or the number of watthours represented by one increment pulse for an electronic meter. |
cim:kind - Kind of customer. |
cim:kind - Kind of multiplier. |
cim:kind - Kind of this function. |
cim:kind - Kind of supplier. |
cim:kind - Kind of service. |
cim:kR - Register multiplier. The number to multiply the register reading by in order to get kWh. |
cim:lan - Address on local area network. |
cim:leftDigitCount - Number of digits (dials on a mechanical meter) to the left of the decimal place; default is normally 5. |
cim:loadManagement - Reading(s) taken or to be taken to support management of loads on distribution networks or devices. |
cim:loadResearch - Reading(s) taken or to be taken to support research and analysis of loads on distribution networks or devices. |
cim:localNumber - Main (local) part of this telephone number. |
cim:Location - Location described by this position point. |
cim:Location - All locations described with position points in this coordinate system. |
cim:Location - The place, scene, or point of something where someone or something has been, is, and/or will be at a given moment in time. It can be defined with one or more postition points (coordinates) in a given coordinate system. |
cim:mac - MAC (Media Access Control) address. |
cim:mainAddress - Main address of the location. |
cim:measurementKind - Identifies "what" is being measured, as refinement of 'commodity'. When combined with 'unit', it provides detail to the unit of measure. For example, 'energy' with a unit of measure of 'kWh' indicates to the user that active energy is being measured, while with 'kVAh' or 'kVArh', it indicates apparent energy and reactive energy, respectively. 'power' can be combined in a similar way with various power units of measure: Distortion power ('distortionVoltAmperes') with 'kVA' is different from 'power' with 'kVA'. |
cim:measuringPeriod - Time attribute inherent or fundamental to the reading value (as opposed to 'macroPeriod' that supplies an "adjective" to describe aspects of a time period with regard to the measurement). It refers to the way the value was originally measured and not to the frequency at which it is reported or presented. For example, an hourly interval of consumption data would have value 'hourly' as an attribute. However in the case of an hourly sampled voltage value, the meterReadings schema would carry the 'hourly' interval size information.
It is common for meters to report demand in a form that is measured over the course of a portion of an hour, while enterprise applications however commonly assume the demand (in kW or kVAr) normalised to 1 hour. The sytem that receives readings directly from the meter therefore must perform this transformation before publishing readings for use by the other enterprise systems. The scalar used is chosen based on the block size (not any sub-interval size). |
cim:Meter - Physical asset that performs the metering role of the usage point. Used for measuring consumption and detection of events. |
cim:Meter - Meter applying this multiplier. |
cim:Meter - Meter providing this reading. |
cim:Metering - This package contains the core information classes that support end device applications with specialized classes for metering and premise are network devices, and remote reading functions. These classes are generally associated with the point where a service is delivered to the customer. |
cim:MeterMultiplier - Multiplier applied at the meter. |
cim:MeterMultiplierKind - Kind of meter multiplier. |
cim:MeterMultipliers - All multipliers applied at this meter. |
cim:MeterReading - Meter reading containing this interval block. |
cim:MeterReading - Set of values obtained from the meter. |
cim:MeterReadings - All meter readings obtained from this usage point. |
cim:MeterReadings - All meter readings provided by this meter. |
cim:MeterReadings - All meter readings (sets of values) containing this reading value. |
cim:metrology - Presentation of metered values to a user or another system (always a function of a meter, but might not be supported by a load control unit). |
cim:moveIn - Reading(s) taken or to be taken in conjunction with a customer move-in event. |
cim:moveOut - Reading(s) taken or to be taken in conjunction with a customer move-out event. |
cim:mRID - Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is globally unique within an exchange context.
Global uniqeness is easily achived by using a UUID for the mRID. It is strongly recommended to do this.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements. |
cim:name - Town name. |
cim:name - The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object. |
cim:name - Name of the street. |
cim:nonAmi - Usage point is equipped with a non AMI capable meter. |
cim:nonMetered - Usage point is not currently equipped with a meter. |
cim:number - Designator of the specific location on the street. |
cim:onRequestRead - On-request reads. |
cim:operable - Usage point is equipped with an AMI capable meter that is functioning and communicating with the AMI network. |
cim:OrganisationRole - Identifies a way in which an organisation may participate in the utility enterprise (e.g., customer, manufacturer, etc). |
cim:other - Other kind of customer. |
cim:other - Other kind of supplier. |
cim:other - Other kind of service. |
cim:other - Reading(s) taken or to be taken for some other reason or purpose. |
cim:outageHistory - Reporting historical power interruption data. |
cim:password - Password needed to log in. |
cim:PaymentMetering - This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as prepayment metering. These classes are generally associated with the collection and control of revenue from the customer for a delivered service. |
cim:phone1 - Phone number. |
cim:phone2 - Additional phone number. |
cim:PositionPoint - Set of spatial coordinates that determine a point, defined in coordinate system specified in 'Location.CoordinateSystem'. Use a single position point instance to desribe a point-oriented location. Use a sequence of position points to describe a line-oriented object (physical location of non-point oriented objects like cables or lines), or area of an object (like a substation or a geographical zone - in this case, have first and last position point with the same values). |
cim:PositionPoints - Sequence of position points describing this location, expressed in coordinate system 'Location.CoordinateSystem'. |
cim:prefix - Prefix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West. |
cim:ptRatio - Potential transformer ratio used to convert associated quantities to real measurements. |
cim:pumpingLoad - Pumping load customer. |
cim:radio - Radio address. |
cim:rates - Rates (e.g. tax, charge, toll, duty, tariff, etc.) service. |
cim:Reading - Specific value measured by a meter or other asset, or calculated by a system. Each Reading is associated with a specific ReadingType. |
cim:ReadingReasonKind - Reason for the reading being taken. |
cim:Readings - All reading values contained within this meter reading. |
cim:ReadingType - Type information for this reading value. |
cim:ReadingType - Type information for interval reading values contained in this block. |
cim:ReadingType - Detailed description for a type of a reading value. Values in attributes allow for creation of recommended codes to be used for identifying reading value types as follows: <macroPeriod>.<aggregate>.<measuringPeriod>.<accumulation>.<flowDirection>.<commodity>.<measurementKind>.<interharmonic.numerator>.<interharmonic.denominator>.<argument.numerator>.<argument.denominator>.<tou>.<cpp>.<consumptionTier>.<phases>.<multiplier>.<unit>.<currency>. |
cim:ReadingType - Reading type for register values reported/collected by this channel. |
cim:reason - Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'. |
cim:reason - Reason for this reading being taken. |
cim:refuse - Refuse (waster) service. |
cim:Register - Register whose values are collected/reported by this channel. |
cim:Register - A device that indicates or records units of the commodity or other quantity measured. |
cim:relaysProgramming - Support for one or more relays that may be programmable in the meter (and tied to TOU, time pulse, load control or other functions). |
cim:remark - Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text. |
cim:removal - Reading(s) taken or to be taken in conjunction with removal of a meter. |
cim:residential - Residential customer. |
cim:residentialAndCommercial - Residential and commercial customer. |
cim:residentialAndStreetlight - Residential and streetlight customer. |
cim:residentialFarmService - Residential farm service customer. |
cim:residentialStreetlightOthers - Residential streetlight or other related customer. |
cim:retailer - Entity that sells the service, but does not deliver to the customer; applies to the deregulated markets. |
cim:reverseFlow - Detection and monitoring of reverse flow. |
cim:rightDigitCount - Number of digits (dials on a mechanical meter) to the right of the decimal place. |
cim:secondaryAddress - Secondary address of the location. For example, PO Box address may have different ZIP code than that in the 'mainAddress'. |
cim:section - Town section. For example, it is common for there to be 36 sections per township. |
cim:sequenceNumber - Zero-relative sequence number of this point within a series of points. |
cim:ServiceCategory - Service category delivered by this usage point. |
cim:ServiceCategory - Service category for this agreement. |
cim:ServiceCategory - Category of service provided to the customer. |
cim:serviceConnect - Reading(s) taken or to be taken in conjunction with a connection or re-connection of service. |
cim:serviceDisconnect - Reading(s) taken or to be taken in conjunction with a disconnection of service. |
cim:ServiceKind - Kind of service. |
cim:ServiceSupplier - Organisation that provides services to customers. |
cim:ServiceSupplier - ServiceSupplier (Utility) utilising this usage point to deliver a service. |
cim:ServiceSupplier - Service supplier for this customer agreement. |
cim:sewerage - Sewerage service. |
cim:SimpleEndDeviceFunction - Simple end device function distinguished by 'kind'. Use this class for instances that cannot be represented by another end device function specialisations. |
cim:source - System that originally supplied the reading (e.g., customer, AMI system, handheld reading system, another enterprise system, etc.). |
cim:start - Start date and time of this interval. |
cim:stateOrProvince - Name of the state or province. |
cim:Status - Current status information relevant to an entity. |
cim:status - Status of this location. |
cim:StreetAddress - General purpose street address information. |
cim:StreetDetail - Street details, in the context of address. |
cim:streetDetail - Street detail. |
cim:suffix - Suffix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West. |
cim:suiteNumber - Number of the apartment or suite. |
cim:SupplierKind - Kind of supplier. |
cim:TelephoneNumber - Telephone number. |
cim:time - Time service. |
cim:timePeriod - Start and end of the period for those readings whose type has a time attribute such as 'billing', seasonal' or 'forTheSpecifiedPeriod'. |
cim:TownDetail - Town details, in the context of address. |
cim:townDetail - Town detail. |
cim:transformerRatio - Product of the CT ratio and PT ratio. |
cim:tvLicence - TV license service. |
cim:type - Type of street. Examples include: street, circle, boulevard, avenue, road, drive, etc. |
cim:type - Classification by utility's corporate standards and practices, relative to the location itself (e.g., geographical, functional accounting, etc., not a given property that happens to exist at that location). |
cim:unit - Metering-specific unit. |
cim:UsagePoint - Logical or physical point in the network to which readings or events may be attributed. Used at the place where a physical or virtual meter may be located; however, it is not required that a meter be present. |
cim:UsagePoint - Usage point from which this meter reading (set of values) has been obtained. |
cim:UsagePoint - Usage point to which this end device belongs. |
cim:UsagePointLocation - Location of this usage point. |
cim:UsagePointLocation - Location of an individual usage point. |
cim:UsagePoints - All usage points at this location. |
cim:userID - User ID needed to log in, which can be for an individual person, an organisation, a location, etc. |
cim:utility - Entity that delivers the service to the customer. |
cim:value - Value of this reading. |
cim:value - Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies. |
cim:value - Multiplier value. |
cim:valuesInterval - Date and time interval of the data items contained within this meter reading. |
cim:water - Water service. |
cim:waterMetering - Water metering. |
cim:web - World wide web address. |
cim:windMachine - Wind machine customer. |
cim:withinTownLimits - True if this street is within the legal geographical boundaries of the specified town (default). |
cim:xPosition - X axis position. |
cim:yPosition - Y axis position. |
cim:zPosition - (if applicable) Z axis position. |
uml:hasStereotype |
uml:Package |