Class cim:Shift

Class [owl:Class] |
Generally referring to a period of operation or work performed. Whether the shift is open/closed can be derived from attributes 'activityInterval.start' and 'activityInterval.end'.
The grand total for receipts (i.e., cumulative total of all actual receipted amounts during this shift; bankable + non-bankable; excludes rounding error totals) can be derived from receipt:
=sum('Receipt.receiptAmount'); includes bankable and non-bankable receipts.
It also has to be reconciled against:
=sum('receiptsGrandTotalBankable' + 'receiptsGrandTotalNonBankable')
and against receipt summary:
The attributes with "GrandTotal" defined in this class may need to be used when the source data is periodically flushed from the system and then these cannot be derived.
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