Class [owl:Class] |
Grouping of pricing components and prices used in the creation of customer charges and the eligibility criteria under which these terms may be offered to a customer. The reasons for grouping include state, customer classification, site characteristics, classification (i.e. fee price structure, deposit price structure, electric service price structure, etc.) and accounting requirements. |
cim:PricingStructure.taxExemption max 1 boolean |
cim:PricingStructure.dailyFloorUsage max 1 nonNegativeInteger |
cim:PricingStructure.dailyEstimatedUsage max 1 nonNegativeInteger |
cim:PricingStructure.dailyCeilingUsage max 1 nonNegativeInteger |
cim:PricingStructure.code max 1 string |
cim:PricingStructure.revenueKind max 1 cim:RevenueKind |
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