Class [owl:Class] |
This class holds elements that are single values for the entire market time horizon. That is, for the Day Ahead market, there is 1 value for each element, not hourly based. Is a summary of the market run |
Thing |
cim:MarketResults.totalRucCost max 1 float |
cim:MarketResults.totalCost max 1 float |
cim:MarketResults.startUpCost max 1 float |
cim:MarketResults.minimumLoadCost max 1 float |
cim:MarketResults.energyCost max 1 float |
cim:MarketResults.ancillarySvcCost max 1 float |
cim:MarketResults.contingentOperatingResAvail max 1 cim:YesNo |
References | |
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