Class [owl:Class] |
Interchange schedule class to hold information for interchange schedules such as import export type, energy type, and etc. |
cim:InterchangeSchedule.intervalLength max 1 nonNegativeInteger |
cim:InterchangeSchedule.outOfMarketType max 1 boolean |
cim:InterchangeSchedule.marketType max 1 cim:MarketType |
cim:InterchangeSchedule.energyType max 1 cim:MarketProductType |
cim:InterchangeSchedule.checkOutType max 1 cim:CheckOutType |
cim:InterchangeSchedule.scheduleType max 1 cim:EnergyProductType |
cim:InterchangeSchedule.operatingDate max 1 dateTime |
cim:InterchangeSchedule.directionType max 1 cim:InterTieDirection |
cim:InterchangeSchedule.wcrID max 1 string |
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