Class [owl:Class] |
Specifies the schedule for energy transfers between interchange areas that are necessary to satisfy the associated interchange transaction. |
cim:EnergyTransaction.reason max 1 string |
cim:EnergyTransaction.congestChargeMax max 1 cim:Money |
cim:EnergyTransaction.deliveryPointP max 1 cim:ActivePower |
cim:EnergyTransaction.receiptPointP max 1 cim:ActivePower |
cim:EnergyTransaction.state max 1 cim:EnergyTransactionType |
cim:EnergyTransaction.payCongestion max 1 boolean |
cim:EnergyTransaction.energyMin max 1 cim:ActivePower |
cim:EnergyTransaction.firmInterchangeFlag max 1 boolean |
cim:EnergyTransaction.capacityBacked max 1 boolean |
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