Parameter Notes:
- If X'' = X', a single cage (one equivalent rotor winding per axis) is modelled.
- The p in the attribute names is a substitution for a prime in the usual parameter notation, e.g. tpo refers to T'o.
The parameters used for models expressed in time constant reactance form include:
- RotatingMachine.ratedS (MVAbase)
- RotatingMachineDynamics.damping (D)
- RotatingMachineDynamics.inertia (H)
- RotatingMachineDynamics.saturationFactor (S1)
- RotatingMachineDynamics.saturationFactor120 (S12)
- RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance (Xl)
- RotatingMachineDynamics.statorResistance (Rs)
- .xs (Xs)
- .xp (X')
- .xpp (X'')
- .tpo (T'o)
- .tppo (T''o).