Class [owl:Class] |
Tangible resource of the utility, including power system equipment, various end devices, cabinets, buildings, etc. For electrical network equipment, the role of the asset is defined through PowerSystemResource and its subclasses, defined mainly in the Wires model (refer to IEC61970-301 and model package IEC61970::Wires). Asset description places emphasis on the physical characteristics of the equipment fulfilling that role. |
cim:Asset.serialNumber max 1 string |
cim:Asset.type max 1 string |
cim:Asset.lotNumber max 1 string |
cim:Asset.utcNumber max 1 string |
cim:Asset.initialLossOfLife max 1 cim:PerCent |
cim:Asset.acceptanceTest max 1 cim:AcceptanceTest |
cim:Asset.lifecycle max 1 cim:LifecycleDate |
cim:Asset.status max 1 cim:Status |
cim:Asset.electronicAddress max 1 cim:ElectronicAddress |
cim:Asset.purchasePrice max 1 cim:Money |
cim:Asset.initialCondition max 1 string |
cim:Asset.critical max 1 boolean |
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